We know from first-hand experience that financial directors, facilities managers and environmental managers alike tend to approach third-party specialists to help with ESOS and SECR programmes and each of these groups needs to be reassured that the work is in safe hands.
Our MD, Peter Cassidy, launched Integral Energy to bring the skills established over a long career as a financial director to the energy management field. With decades of experience as a senior financial professional in preparing company accounts across a broad spectrum of industries, Peter’s approach has been heavily influenced by the costs associated with energy efficiency.
As a Finance Director, I was responsible for renewing energy contracts each year in the manufacturing sector.
Most companies employ a broker to help them with this as the market is complicated, but it is all about going to market and securing the best deal in terms of unit price per kWh.
The other side of the equation i.e. the consumption of kWh was rarely addressed – with little or no organisational drive to reduce consumption and capital investment biased towards operational efficiency.
It is estimated that UK companies waste up to 30% of the energy they buy.
Taking this further, Peter also highlights the energy issues that most affect businesses:
- Misunderstanding their pattern of energy use or the measures and technologies that would save energy
- Failing to have any kind of energy management system or procedures in place
- Limited responsibility for the remit typically falls to the Maintenance Manager, Environmental Manager, or no one is responsible for energy consumption/savings at all.
With all of that in mind, Peter established Integral Energy in 2010 to provide outsourced support for companies who have opportunities to save via energy efficiency measures but lack internal capacity to deliver them.
Financial principles guiding sustainable growth
Peter’s background in finance has directly influenced how Integral Energy operates. We have a positive EBITDA and cash flow record from the outset and apply these principles to our work with clients and have secured regular orders from blue-chip organisations across our home region and the wider UK.
To date, we have completed SECR and ESOS reports for some of the largest organisations in the UK – with the experience needed to consult across various teams and individuals in your business in order to compile the data required and submit a report that blends with your own year-end reporting processes.
The UK Government’s commitment to net-zero GHG 2050 target makes things clear to businesses. The target mandates a reduction of domestic emissions by at least 100% of 1990 levels by 2050.
This will require reducing domestic emissions by at least 3% of 2018 emissions, that is 30% higher than achieved on average since 1990. This is an indication of how substantial the step up in action must be to cut emissions in every sector.
To achieve this, businesses must invest in energy efficiency and switch to low carbon fuels. SECR, ESOS and other legislation all show that the government is putting the onus on businesses to mandate change. Integral Energy has established demonstrable expertise in new energy-related legislation, supporting companies in their compliance efforts and ultimately establishing long term working relationships with clients to support their emissions and energy cost reduction activities.
If you’d like to leverage Peter’s expertise and make your business energy strategy more efficient, get in touch with us today and we can discuss everything from SECR and ESOS reporting to general energy efficiency management.