How Electric Vehicles Can Help Your Company Reach Net-Zero

Electric car with charger plugged in

We’ve talked extensively on this blog about how your business can reduce your emissions and hit net-zero targets by implementing a target-driven strategy with help from the energy consultants at Integral Energy. So, in this piece, we’re going to talk about the role transport and travel have in this strategy.

Your business’s travel requirements are intrinsic to your environmental impact, especially given the rising cost of fuel for all road users right now. So, you might be among the many business owners who are considering a transition to electric vehicles for your business fleet, or even encouraging staff to make the shift for their personal and commuting vehicles. Whatever your strategy, there are some fantastic benefits to making the switch.

If you think a switch to EVs might be right for your business, get in touch with Integral Energy today or keep reading to learn more about the benefits of going electric.

Why switch to EVs?

As net-zero consultants, we are focused on helping businesses like yours to make both big and small changes within your organisation to take you closer to meeting your environmental goals.

The government’s own promise to reach zero emissions by 2050 is in full swing, and the rising costs of fuel and utility bills for households and businesses mean that sustainable switches have become even more necessary and urgent over recent months.

Swapping your fleet to EVs, or giving staff the impetus to make the change for their private vehicles, takes us all one step closer to hitting targets and reducing carbon emissions across the board – all while saving money for workers and companies alike.

Benefits of EVs for your staff

So, if you are thinking about offering staff an incentive to make the switch to electric then we can certainly help.

From staff training through to switching energy providers and encouraging flexible working where possible, this is just another piece of the net-zero puzzle for you to implement. That’s where we come in.

At Integral Energy, we’ve partnered with leading EV provider Octopus to give you and your staff the opportunity to take advantage of electric vehicles as part of your wider net-zero strategy. By working with Integral to offer this to your staff, you’ll benefit from a strategic approach to sustainability, as EVs are just one way in which you can reduce your carbon emissions.

The benefits of providing your employees with the chance to go electric include:

  • It’s easy for employees to browse and test drive vehicle stock and access quotes to match their budget
  • A ‘salary sacrifice’ scheme for the employee, meaning they only pay tax and NI on the net salary after this deduction, therefore, making a ‘saving’ and the P11D ‘Benefit in Kind’
  • Monthly rentals paid by the company are recovered from the employee via a payroll deduction.
  • The monthly contract hire amount can include insurance and servicing etc.
  • If an employee leaves the car can go back without penalties.
  • Octopus can even fit a domestic charging point at the employee’s home as well as on the company premises

In short, we can help you to provide EVs to company employees on a contract hire basis and at no cost to you.

EV as part of your net-zero strategy

Installing EV chargers in a location employees can access them is essential

An EV incentive scheme will make a significant positive impact on your employees, however, if you fail to consider the wider implications then you, as an organisation, might not benefit as much as you hoped. For example, you will need to monitor the costs of electricity charging, particularly as what that looks like in terms of kWh electrical consumption will vary by car.

You’ll also find that introducing EVs alone will not solve all of your problems. This is just one element of a wider net-zero strategy that every company should look to implement if you haven’t already.

Rather than involving a bewildering array of different suppliers for each element of your strategy, make net-zero simple with Integral Energy’s all-encompassing technical partner programme whereby we can co-ordinate and implement your energy cost and emissions savings measures via our approved supply chain be it EV’s, high efficiency motors, LED lighting, voltage optimisers, renewables etc.

If you qualify for SECR and/or ESOS, then we can help with both.

Being net-zero isn’t just about compliance, although ESOS and SECR are both very important parts of the strategies of larger organisations. For us, it’s about making net-zero achievable while adhering to any and all compliance considerations.

We know that not all businesses have the resources or knowledge in-house to deliver sustainability initiatives. As a result, sustainability often falls by the wayside. Make sure that isn’t the case for your business and get in touch with Integral Energy today to book an initial consultation about becoming a more sustainable employer.

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